Photos and Thanka Paintings

Bodhi Publishing carries photos of Namgyal Rinpoche and reproductions of Tibetan thankas as listed.

manjusri 12 manjusris

12 Manjusris

12 Manjusris 8x10"
8x10" colour photo
16 buddha bodies

16 Buddha Bodies

16 Buddha Bodies 8X10"Colour photo

21 Tara mandala

21 Tara mandala 8x10" colour photo
21 taras

21 Taras

8x10" Colour Photo

Amitabha small

5"x7" Colour photo

Amitabha large

8x10 colour
chenresi with manjusri

Chenresi with Manjusri and Vajrapani

8x10" colour

chenresi with manjusri

Chenresi with Manjusri and Vajrapani small

5x7" colour photo

chenresi seed syllables

Chenresi with seed syllable small

5x7"  colour photo
chenresi seed syllables

Chenresi with seed syllable large

8x10" colour photo


Demchog small

5x7" colour photo


Demchog large

8x10" colour photo

Dharma Centre of Canada Postcards

green tara

Green Tara small

5x7" colour photo

green tara

Green Tara large

8x10" colour photo

H.H. 16th Karmapa

8x10"  photo